Swimming Or Sinking?

I'm having one of those days where I can't be bothered doing a damn thing.

I went swimming yesterday, and again today. 1.5km yesterday, 1.15km today.
It made me think. I was swimming staright 50m's yesterday and straight 25's today.
Everytime I struggled, I would start singing a song in my head. It sounds crazy yes, but I wasn't sinking, and I wasn't tired by the end of it.

Are we sinking or swimming?

A quote on the wall at the pools: (they have one up most days right now)
"When the world floods because of global warming, Swimmers will rules the world." - Anon.
It has a strong meaning.

I'm glad I do swimming.

I was texting my ex, and he said that it sounded hard, that he couldn't even do 100m.
For me, I have to say, Its become a part of normal life for me.
April 20th, 2009 at 08:57am