Oh Snap

Put your MP3 Player on shuffle. Put down the first line of each song. Do this 21 times. The first song will be the title, & the other 20 will be lines to a poem.

Title: When I Come To The Club, Step Aside (Oh Snap)
>>London Bridge - Bowling For Soup

one song, about a girl
talk to me I'm torn
let me hold you for the last time
the first star i see may not be a star

oh, you left me with a broken heart
you say were both little people and you like it that way
he woke up from dreaming and put on his shoes
hi barbie

you could have knocked me out with a feather
anywhere you go, anyone you meet
i wanna make you smile whenever youre sad
i saw a spider, i didnt scream

i never thought that i was so blind
the words are coming i feel terrible
i picked you up and lifted your wilted frame into the sun
i see you winding, grinding up on that pole

mama we all go to hell
im out of one-liners
shut up and let me go
check yes juliet
April 20th, 2009 at 11:39am