Noises From Above & Love is a Place readers

Noises From Above

I was really hesitant on deleting it because it's my first story, but I've just lost my motivation for it and I don't think it's that good, or at least it won't be if I keep going with it right now. I know for a fact that I'm going to put it back up, but first I just need to stop worrying about it and stop trying to figure out what I'm going to do with it.

I need to focus on IndieDiscs because I think that's my problem, I start a story and then I start another one, and then I lose motivation for and interest in the first one. I think I'm going to start it differently when I put it back up, I know for a fact that I'm going to edit it. I might put a couple chapters into to one chapter, but it's still going to be that same story. I'm not sure when exactly I'm going to put it back on here, but I only have one class this summer (which is two days a week). So I should have some more time to focus on my stories.

Love is a Place

I'm kind of regretting putting this story on here at least this soon. I think I should have spent more time developing it like the plot and everything. It's backbone (for lack of a better word) is a baby story of mine, that's technically that first story I ever wrote. And I guess I wanted to do something with that baby story and I just think that what I'm doing with it right now isn't working.

I know I'm going to put this story back up, but right now I'm going focus on IndieDiscs.

And I swear if end up screwing up ID, I'm going to shoot myself.
Not really.
Sorry that was a little dramatic.
April 20th, 2009 at 08:06pm