`I've Discovered I'm A Coffee Addict ;

I dearly hope that journals & blogs can be interchangeable.
This is going to be my blog (:
Little random thoughts.
Certainly not silly spam.
Lots of effort.
Worthwhile (:
............ <3
My father's birthday was today. Quite a celebration.
It was also Hitler's birthday, which is a dreary thought.
AND it was the Holocaust Remembrance Day, why ?
I mean, why on Hitler's birthday ?
Twisted sense of humor, or coincidence ?
I'm rather curious.

Six cups of coffee were consumed by me today, which can't be healthy
considering 'coffee stunts your growth.'
Too bad I'm around 5'6 & not getting any taller-
It's kind of a shame; most good looking men are tall.
Guess they'll just have to stoop (;

“ Are you angry? Punch a pillow. Was it satisfying? Not hardly. These days people are too angry for punching. What you might try is stabbing. Take an old pillow and lay it on the front lawn. Stab it with a big pointy knife. Again and again and again. Stab hard enough for the point of the knife to go into the ground. Stab until the pillow is gone and you are just stabbing the earth again and again, as if you want to kill it for continuing to spin, as if you are getting revenge for having to live on this planet day after day, alone. Miranda July (via firecrackers) (via panicatthedisco)"
I like that.
I love that actually.
Stabbing the earth, for damning us to live on it.

I saw a quote the other day,
"If fake were a scent; we'd all suffocate".
It is incredibly true in my eyes.
America is full of so many fake people.
It makes me sick.
Take for example, my school, this week is
Teacher Appreciation Week.
Alright, that's all fine & good but -
those mothers giving their sons bouquets to bring
into the teachers, smiling like little angels...
Women like that disgust me.
Then there's the other fake,
boob jobs , nose jobs , bleached hair.
Why do women do that to themselves ?
I understand that not everyone is comfortable with themselves.
People have those things done to them (minus the bleached hair) for
medical & person reasons.
But many a time it's just to fit in with America's superficial, FAKE, take
on the way a woman should be.
The fake I'm most exposed to is the one lurking around
high school corners.
It's kind of sad that I don't know which of
my friends to trust.
So many of them have not hesitated to stab me in the back, I can't tell
if they're fake or real friends.

^ That could be considered a rant.
My apologies (x

Since my poetry is basically my life I'll leave you
with a little quote (all mine) , kind of a shot of creativity-
"Friday was lonely.
I went to a cafe.
People were reading their newspapers.
I ordered two cups of coffee.
Before I could leave, the waitress brought them.
I asked for them to be put in To-Go Cups.
I was too ashamed to admit that I'd forgotten
you were no longer in my life."

^ Inspired by ;

I'm done for right now.
It's 12:13 AM & I haven't looked at my homework.

~Poetry Girl.
April 21st, 2009 at 06:35am