Disneyland's Dances and Their Birds

What do you do when it's your birthday, and you're at Disneyland, with your best friend?

A. Go on rides and have a happy time

B. Film the whole trip on camera

C. Annoy people (i.e. poking, asking for directions when you don't really need them, accidentally hitting someone with a plastic light saber, yelling in someone's ear)

D. Or dance around the whole park while your friend is filming

Well, the most obvious choice would be "D" of course.
So here's how the story goes.

Once upon a time, my friend Christine (her nickname is Bandit) and I (my nickname is Bandito) went to Disneyland to celebrate our birthdays together!

Oh yeah, and my birthday was February 13, Friday the 13th to be exact.
Her's is February 22, Sunday.
And we went to Disneyland on March 8.

Anyways! She took my camera away from me and had this genius idea that I should go around the whole park dancing while she filmed the whole thing. That I should go around dancing while she only just stood there and filmed me.
My answer?

Heck yeah!

I did every possible dance there is known to man everywhere in Disneyland.

So we pretty much achieved ABC and D in one day.

We went on rides and had a stellar time.
She filmed me dancing around the whole park.
We annoyed people, with my dancing and with my joyful personality.
And...I danced.

P.S. When we were waiting for my mom to come out of the bathroom we were taking random pictures of people who were coming out. And all of a sudden someone was laughing loudly, so we turned around and there was two birds making love. I think they were sparrows...so I filmed it, being the genius I am.

I'm thinking about putting it on You tube.
April 22nd, 2009 at 05:44am