I'm a Ranter. 4-23-09 ;

Music is my love.
I seriously never stop listening to it.
Right now, I'm hearing the voice of Regina Spektor singing
Samson, which is a lovely song. ( I find a lot of music on
Pandora.com, go, if you're a music freak, you'll be obsessed.)
Anyway, my point :
I am SICK of music posers.
There are so many people out there claiming to be
avid punk/alternative listeners, but have they heard of
Breathe Carolina ? NO ! Have they heard of Mayday Parade ? NO !
& Then people walking around singing "Don't Stop Believin'" & claiming
to LOVE Journey, have they heard there other songs ?
People just follow the trend.
Don't Trust Me by 3oh!3 got on the Top Ten list on iTunes & suddenly you have
girls who were singing "Nobody's perfect, you gotta work it," walking around singing
"Tell your boyfriend, if he says he's got beef, that I'm a vegetarian & I ain't f**king scared of him."
But they don't even know what PunkB*tch or Colorado Sunrise is.
It just bothers me.
All posers bother me. Most of the time it's unintentional.
Like when the Twilight movie came out, naturally it attracted many girls to the books.
So, of course, many new fans were born, which is perfectly great.
It's the girls who read the books two months before the movie came out who walk around saying
I read Twilight the first month it came out & the others as followed.
Oh, I turned that into a rant.
I turn A LOT of my topics into rants.
I should control that.

Speaking of music, I'm always looking for new stuff.
If anyone reads this, comment w/ your favorite song (:

It's 2:00, I'm not really tired.
I don't sleep that much.
I mean, four hours is enough for me.
Which is awful, I should get like nine.
I just don't want them (x
Sleep is a waste of time to me.

This is a quote from one of MY poems. MINE. No stealing (: -

"You talked me out of a black hole
Spinning down and spinning round
Self-destruction becoming my nature
You saved me from myself"

- I think everyone needs someone like that.
Lover, spouse, best friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, sister, brother, whatever you want to call it.
Just someone you can depend on no matter what. Someone who WILL judge you harshly, WILL give you their opinions, WILL argue their point, but ALWAYS will be there for you,
no matter what you end up doing. They are there to save you. When you're crashing, they help hold you up. I am immensely jealous of people who have found that person. A lot of times you think you have them, but you're wrong. I don't think everyone always does find that one person. One person, one life, one change. Think about it. Maybe tomorrow you'll be on a subway & see someone crying. One person, one life, one change. If you go and talk to that one person, you could change a life, one change could change a life. It would be awkward, yeah, but they might just be happy enough to know someone cared. Maybe you won't end up being that ONE special person everyone should have, but you could be temporary, a stop on the road to finding the person who will always be there. Or, you go get a cup of coffee with them. (COFFEE!) You bond...
You become bestfriends, maybe more ? Whatever the case...
I guess my point is :
People like other people caring.
It's easy to cry in front of people you love because you WANT them to hug you and tell you everything will be okay, at least subconsciously.

^^ That wasn't a rant, I think. More of a lecture-ish thing. (x

Um, that's all I got for now.
I'm going to sleep ?
Probably not,
going to read.
Romeo & Juliet.
Ah, I hate it.
It's for school.
A Midsummer's Night Dream is MUCH better.

~Just Another Girl.

p.s. my grammar sucks in this. I'm just kind of writing- letting it flow.
No proof reading. Sorry if it confuses you / annoys you ( grammar 'freaks') (:
April 23rd, 2009 at 08:06am