I Don't Understand...

I keep a livejournal, actually.
http://i-cry-ink.livejournal.com .
You should add me.

But I write too much in general so I dunno.
I'm going to Coney Island this weekend with a bunch of my friends.
I can't wait. It's going to be 80 degrees. DAMN!

I wonder what they mean by "can't be silly spam"? Do they consider fucking fanfics (MCR fanfics, oh god kill me now) spam? ...

Well I guess they're writing and all, and if they're well written I do have to give them props, but honestly fics just creep me the fuck out. Like... do you realize you're writing about someone you've never met, who you probably never will? And what's even worse is the slash. Oh god. I'm not homophobic in the least, man, I mean, girls are hot! And I'm a girl! But putting these guys who are probably straight, and some who are married, in these creepy situations is just kind of WTF for me. I don't know. Maybe I just don't get it. I don't get fandoms in general, honestly. But oh well. I'll respect their opinions, I guess.
April 23rd, 2009 at 02:13pm