Suicide Selfish? I think not!

I'm sick and tired of people constantly calling people who want to kill them self’s ‘selfish.’
What? Why call these people who are depressed and contemplating suicide selfish don’t you think that may just tip them over the edge?
Also the dictionary defines selfishness - the quality of being selfish, the condition of habitually putting one's own interests before those of others.
Most suicides are of people who have loving caring families yet they think they are a burden to their family and so they are putting the thoughts of others before their own because they think the family will be better off without them. Of course this isn't true but when you’re in such a desperate state you can’t think straight.

I myself have been living with depression for about 4 years now and in this time in my deepest darkest times I have wanted to kill myself twice, one time I actually attempted. But before I did I turned to a teacher and told them how I was feeling about how desperate I was and how I wanted to end it all. You turned around and said ‘think of your family, if you take your life you’re being selfish it’s not just your life you are ruining.’
You know how crappy that made me feel? It made me feel so bad I burst right out of that class room and walk home, where I sat in my room and mutilated my arm before taking every pill we had in the house.

Please don’t call suicide selfish, the ones committing suicide are in a desperate state and when or if they come to you to talk don’t criticise!
April 23rd, 2009 at 08:48pm