
You know those typical teen runaways.
a. They're family doesn't love them
b. They can't take it. Fuck even I'm clueless at to what this it is.
c. They've fallen in love and runaway with the one.
d. They need space to think about their life.
e. They've gone to find a better life. They to experiment and see whats out there.

Those are all the reasons I can think of at the moment. At my mates house. A place that my family does not know about. I'm deciding what excuse I would be.

I know my family cares about me in some way.
I still don't know what it is, so that's crossed out.
I thought I was in love, but that's in the past.
Maybe I do need to figure out my life.
I'm definitely sure I've experienced quite a lot in my life. So...yeah.

Time heals wounds peoiple say. I'm not sure weather or not I have scars left or if I'm still in the healing process. Breaking hearts do exist. They hurt to wear you have trouble breathing or going on normally. They cut a hole inside you, and you don't know who to get to sew it up. A crushing feeling. A long ache that can be gone for some time, but reappears at the worst times.
It hurts.
But I'm still trying to get over it. After days and weeks of believing I was set to move on.
It complicated.
April 24th, 2009 at 06:07am