You make me crazier <3

The first time i heard that song.. i smiled and thought of someone so special ...
when i read the lyrics .. i thought of the writer. She must be so inspired to write that song ( :

There's this guy, i think he's really special. He trusts me and i love that about him.
I happen to be the girl who gets jealous every freakin time. Buuuuuut, being with him
is like everythings there. i couldn't ask for more .. honestly. I trust him so much that he
may and can have me at my best.. i love him too much, now tell me is that bad ?
if it is, then kill me. loving someone too much may be bad but i know i can handle it.
If i get hurt, then it'll be my fault. .. i know he won't do anything to hurt me. He promised.
& that promise mean so much to me ...i don't know what i'd do if that breaks ..i wonder .. ?
cry myself to sleep ? avoid fun ? hurt myself? cry, cry, & cry ? i don't know...

Well, i don't like thinking about those things. makes me think tooooooo hard.
ANYWAYSS. about the song again, i'll never get tired of singing it ( :
know why ? coz it connects with me.. with my feelings... how i feel for
him .. i can't even define it or describe it.. or even say it.. its inexplicable<3
There goes the word ( :

to my stalker x D
p.s i love you.
April 24th, 2009 at 04:59pm