resons to be happy

okay so its April( as i'm sure of you can see) and my computer is fixed and now I can add stuff on mibba. Only problem is no one is reading it. Why? you might ask, well i don't really know the answer but i bet other people can tell you. Anyway like I was saying I am happy for these reasons:
One: I get to write on Mibba
Two: My second favorite,Fearless, book is finally here. Actually I am already done with 7-14 and i am on 15 now, which the library still does not have. Grrr.
Third: Oh yeah, my computer is finally fixed.
Fourth: Next Saturday, Jonas is coming out and I get to go over Gabbi's house and watch it with her(along with Twilight).
Fifth: I just got my Seventeen magazine and The Jonas Brothers are on it.
And Sixth: Black eye peas come out with a new song( I love Fergie).
April 25th, 2009 at 02:06pm