Do you need advice or someone to talk to?

Ok guys I have made an email account it is: My friend got that name from my grandma long story lol. But, anyways I figured that there are a lot of you guys that might need advice or just someone to talk to about problems or everyday things. So I made this email so that way if any of you would like to talk about anything BAM! Here you go and note that if you do talk to me everything will remain anonymous. I would like to go into the field of psychology and what better way to practice by helping people? I really love helping people feel better and I'm a really good person to talk to about problems and stuff. So please feel free to email me! I hope to here from you! =) and everything will remain confidental! I will start checking this email on a daily basis so please feel free to email it. I'd LOVE to help you out. <3
April 25th, 2009 at 10:31pm