Tokio Hotel. 10.30.08

Since my live journal got fucked, I decided I'd post this here, because I am on here everyday and I cant afford to lose this.

We got there around six o clock and my dad was able to get us in the VIP section, so we would be the first ones in.
One girl was trying to push her way to where I was, and I pushed her back, and she threatened me. LMAO then she got taken out.
We got in and I was able to get the spot. RIGHT IN FRONT OF GEO WITH DEANNA.

So the curtain dropped, revealing Bill [who looked quite masculine...considering he had a boner..], Georg [right in front of us], Gustav and Tom.
I held up my sign and saw Gustav smile at me!
[well my sign did say ICH LIEBE GUSTAV!] so i basically died. During Break Away, I made a heart with my hands. Tom looked at me and winked. And smiled. He hit on me the entire time, as Georg did with Deanna.
Bill came to our side of the stage quite a few times, including pointing and smiling at me. Well, I guess the fact that Kristine had a sign that said BIG SEXY HAIR. had something to do with it.

After begging the guard 59760475036459 times, he finally put the book on stage. Deanna and I pointed to Georg, and then pointed at the book. He smiled at us, looked down and smiled at us again. Quite a few times. He wouldnt stop looking at Deanna! I thought she would die.

During Live Every second, Tom stood on the fanbook, looked at Deanna, then started fucking masturbating with his guitar, while looking at me. He made me feel special. I no longer hate Tom that much.

see? that orange thing! thats our book!

They also played BLACK. Bill sat on the stage and Deanna leaned over and said "Story time with Bill Kaulitz!" and they played RAISE YOUR HANDS. I couldnt jump though. Too busy being pushed against the baerricade. By fangirls.

They played most of the English Album;; minus On The Edge and Forgotton Children. I shed too many tears that night, while bopping along to Love is Dead, 1000 Oceans and By Your Side.

During By Your Side, Bill announced that it would be the last show until the new CD comes out, I didnt want it to end. After By Your Side, confetti popped out, and got caught in Bill's hair. They all exited the stage, but they werent done yet. The lights were still off! The crew comes out and sets out stools. Everyone started chanting "IN DIE NACHT" But the stools were too far apart, it was Rescue Me!
I shed so many tears and Georg looked at me. When I met them, that was the song that was playing. I can not listren to that song without shedding a few tears anymore. Again, they left the stage. Lights. Still off. They came out again. and played DURCH DEN MONSUN. Fucking. Amazing.

At the end of the show, Ellyssa caught Tom's guitar pick and Georg blessed my camera. NO. NOT LIKE THAT. He threw his water/backwash on us/the camera. As did Tom [:

The crew came out and put away everything. But they left the teddy bears and stuffed animals. THEY TOOK THE FANBOOK.
April 26th, 2009 at 06:18am