Don't you love it when...?

My last entry was a bit of a downer. I've been so angry lately, thinking some really pesimistic things that've just weighed me and the people around me down, and then stuff started to happen and it's like magic. In the space of two hours I went from desperately unhappy to totally and utterly happy. And they're not all that grand either.
These are the things that have made me happy recently.

Don't you love it:

1 . When your dreading going back to school the next day, only to find out its not for two more days?

2 . When you drunkenly text all your best friends "i love you so much"es at three in the morning and they reply with "i love you too" even when you woke them up.

3 . When a cute boy call you classy, even when your smoking a cigarette. "that's the mark of a truely classy woman, a fag in one hand and still looking elegant."

4 . When you cut your hair all by yourself and people actually notice (for good reasons).

5 . When you walk past a a group of people and you hear them say "oh wow! what awesome shoes". and then you keep walking and a seperate lady says "she has fantastic tights!"

6 . When people are proud of you.

7 . When you see a friend you haven't seen or talked to in months and nothing has changed, your still mad good friends.

8 . When you are devo because there's no icecream and then you look again and your mum has just come back from the shop and put icecream in the freezer.

9 . When your cats love you.

10 . When you can put aside jealousy and be happy for someone, knowing that they probably wouldn't do the same but do it anyway.

11 . When you catch your rebel older brother studying and listening to that "all the boy and all the girls want to eff-you-see-kay me" song by Brittney Spears, even though he swears he wasn't.

12 . When your friend sends you a text saying "lets go out for thai food. then watch skins."

13 . When you know that same friend is happy for the first time in ages and is turning their life around.

14 . When you get new pajama pants that are chronically cool (almost cooler than the silk, silver stitched spiderwebs from my second journal entry- but only thirty dollars as opposed to one hundred. And these ones have peacock feathers on them)

15 . When your room is called the coolest room in the house (i put effort into my room)

16 . When you think there is no polaroid film left in your camera, and the company has stopped making them, then you find another packet in your drawers and find out that another company has brought the factory and is going to make more. YEW!

17 . When lovely people comment your story saying the loveliest things.

18 . When someone says "i want my hair like hers."

19 . When you read fruits basket with your sister who skipped uni just to sit home and read fruits basket with you.

20 . When you make a tonnes cool playlist for work and you end up sinigng strawberry fields forever with the cute guy who works with you.

21 . When you find out that that same cute guy you work with is also decended from royalty! Yes please!

22. When you take pictures for a friend, who puts them on her myspace, and gets comments like "this photographer is so talented!"

23 . When you pick your brother and all his friends up from a party and end up having another party in the car, blaring "Day n Night" from the stereo and shouting along to the words.

24 . When you come to the realisation that people do love you and do care about you.

Let us know what makes you happy? What is your 'don't you love it when...' thing?
April 27th, 2009 at 03:16pm