I'm an addict for dramatics, i confuse the two for love.

So the other day i was with Jake [the guy that I'm seeing].
And i was shattered, I'd just been to two sleepovers in a row with no sleep at the first and not much at the second.
So we were sat on a bench and i had my head in his lap
Then i sat up and i broke my necklace cause it got caught in part of the bench.
It was a long one, with a big circle and inside it had a heart with a keyhole and then 4 keys.
Only one of the keys fit the keyhole in the heart.
Anyway the keys broke off, and i was so tired i was just laughing
So Jake picked them up for me, and i told him they were no use to me anymore
and he was like "do you still have the heart"
Which i did so i was like "yeah why?"
and he said "well now i have the key"
i was like awwwwwww ^-^

The other day i was with him, and he keeps the keys on a peice of ribbon that he had in his bag.
It was really cute.
Just thought i'd share my AWW moment with you :)
April 27th, 2009 at 09:07pm