MY TVs BROKEN!!!!! :( .................Quiz

OK I just copy pasted this then filled it out its pretty cool...feel free to do the same its cool when your bored or YOUR TVs BROKEN

[1] First thing you wash in the shower? My hair
[2] What colour is your favourite hoodie? Purple
[3] Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Can it be a cat? lol jks
[4] Do you plan outfits? No! unless its for a fancy dinner or something
[5] How are you feeling RIGHT now? Angry, the TVs not working and i'm missing H&A
[6] What’s the closest thing to you that’s got red on it? My cats beanbag
[7] Do you say aim or a-i-m? I don’t say either
[8] Tell me about the last dream you remember having? i was being chased by zombies and ii actually woke up crying lol
[9] Did you meet anybody new today? I did actually...some new chick in my class
[10] What are you craving right now? cheeseburger
[11] Do you floss? i should but i can never be bothered
[12] What comes to mind when I say cabbage? Mmmm salty cabbage
[13] When was the last time you talked on aim? Never i have MSN
[14] Are you emotional? Definitely
[15] Would you dance to the taco song? I haven’t heard it before
[16] Have you ever counted to 1,000? I counted to 1,000 in Japanese lol
[17] Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? Just lick it i have a sweet tooth
[18] Do you like your hair? I love it its totally natural with sexy blonde streaks which are also natural
[19] Do you like yourself? Sometimes it depends what mood i'm in
[20] Have you ever met a celebrity? I have met diesel Phoenix, Rebecca St James and i think a few others...oooh i met the Wiggles
[21] Do you like cottage cheese? No
[22] What are you listening to right now? Jesus take the wheel by Carrie Underwood
[23] How many countries have you visited? None nut i'm going to Australia..sometime
[24] Are your parents strict? Not really it depends on the situation
[25] Would you go sky diving? Definitely
[26] Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? Eeew NO
[27] Would you throw potatoes at him? Nah tomatoes---much more satisfying
[28] Is there anything sparkly in the room you’re in? Yes diamonds from the china cabinet
[29] Have you ever been in a castle? No i cant say i have
[30] Do you rent movies often? I do indeed
[31] Who sits in behind you in your math class? We can sit where ever so it could be anyone
[32] Have you made a prank phone call? Yes definitely
[33] Do you own a gun? No i have a plastic sward .
[34] Can you count backwards from 74? Yes i had to, to get to sleep at night ages ago
[35] Who are you going to be with tonight? My cat lol.
[36] Brown or white eggs? White...Whats the difference?
[37] Do you own something from Hot Topic? Whats that
[38] Ever been on a train? Yea first time with my Grandad
[39] Ever been in love? No i cant say that love is something i can achieve at this age... i thought i was once
[40] Do you have a cell-phone? Yes...two
[41] Are you too forgiving? It depends on the situation but I can hold a grudge.
[42] Do you use chap stick? Yes its very good but i always loose it
[43] What is your best friend doing tomorrow? Uhm school i guess
[44] Can you use chop sticks? Sort of its awkward
[45] Ever have cream puffs? Yes...don't really like them though
[46] Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? No
[47] What was the last question you asked and who was it directed at? Why are you taunting me...and it was to the TV...its not working
[48] What was the last CD you bought? Kelly Clarkson
[49] Boys or girls? As in preference? Boys
[50] What is your bus number for school? 6
[51] Is your hair curly? Nope dead straight i love it
[52] Last time you cried? A few days ago when i was talking to my sister-in-law
[53] Ever walked into a wall? Yea...what blonde doesn't
[54] Do looks matter? sometimes
[55] Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun? No.
[56] Have you ever slapped someone? Yes.
[57] Favourite time of the year? Spring
[58] Favourite colour? Purple, yellow, orange, green
[59] Are you sarcastic? Yea all the time
[60] Do you have any tattoos? Nope but I will in a few years.
[61] The last person you held hands with? I'm not too sure
[62] Do you sleep with the TV on? No, that wastes electricity.
[63] Where was your default picture taken at? haven't got it up yet but when i living room
[64] Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people? Yes.
[65] Do you like your life right now? Sort of
[66] How often do you talk on the phone? Not often i have the internet and texting lol
[67] What is your favourite animal? Cats and Chickens
[68] What was the most recent thing you bought? SHOES!
[69] Do you have good vision? No i had an operation last year on both my eyes
[70] Can you hula hoop? i used to, haven't tried in ages
[71] Could you ever forgive a cheater? i'll only know when i come across it
[72] Do you have a job? I'm walking the neighbors dog
[73] Can you handle the truth? I can...sometimes it hurts A LOT but i have to deal with it
[74] What are you wearing? Pyjamas
[75] Have you ever crawled through a window? Yes heaps
April 28th, 2009 at 09:16am