Influenza Is Here.

You got the pig flu?

Don't worry. My name is Betty MontaƱo. I am a survivor living in Monterrey, Mexico. I am broadcasting on all FM frequencies. I will be at the Obispado everyday at mid-day, when the sun is highest in the sky. If you are out there... if anyone is out there... I can provide food, I can provide shelter, I can provide security. If there's anybody out there... anybody... please. You are not alone.

Yes, I am locked up in my house, running out of medical respirators and antibacterial soap. There's no school for the next ten days, and I've got nothing to do but read apocalyptical articles, and fear for my life. One of my friends is sick already, but I haven't been able to communicate with him. My dad still goes to work, and I worry for him. The mortality rate is of 7% of all of the reported cases, but the number is increasing rapidly. My family lives in Colombia, where few cases are being reported. But I am here. I am here and I miss my school, my friends, my dad, and everything about my normal life. I am becoming paranoic and claustrophobic. This morning I went to an HEB to buy food and other things for the rest of the week. I am alergic to the smell of chlorine, so when we were in the cleaners section, I sneezed. A woman ran away. I am really scared. I don't want to die.
April 28th, 2009 at 04:59pm