The Spotlight Always Gives You Stagefright

Before you guys kill me for deleting If It End Tonight, I'll Still Love You and I Need You To Save Me Too, let me explain! You know when like you just can't write something anymore? Like the idea you had just doesn't make sense to you? That's kind of what happened. Like I knew what I wanted to write, but honestly, I haven't been into those stories for so long now. I TRIED writing updates for more, but honestly, they just sounded like such crap. I don't know =/ Sorry guys.

As for I'm Not A Princess, This Ain't A Fairytale, I just -- don't know. I mean, I love that story, but it's just -- I don't know. I'm out of the mind set for it, I guess. And honestly, I must have started the last chapter 80 times. But they all suck. Like it sounds so stupid, cause I -- don't even know why. (sigh) I don't know what to do with it. I'll keep trying, but I don't know how long I can. Cause even if there's only one chapter left, I don't want to end it with such a sucky chapter, you know? Gah, I don't know. Extended hiatus for now, I guess.

Sorry guys!
April 28th, 2009 at 11:43pm