I'm paying $500 for "Priceless Memories"

Sadly, I am a senior in High School. And as a senior, I get to do all kinds of fun things like go to Grad Night at Disneyland, go to Prom, and waste a small fortune on senior activities and stuff.

Todays waste of my parents hard earned cash: Prom at the Long Beach Hilton.

Now, I've seen a picture of this Hilton they speak of, and I gotta tell you, it's pretty kick ass. But the part I am complaining about is the ticket price. $125 per person, are you kidding me?! Last year they only had to pay $100 and the year before that $75. What's with the increase, South East? Did all the sexual harassment suits clean out your bank? Sheesh. And on top of that I have to buy a dress, shoes, get my hair done, my make-up done, and all that other crap I never do.

And let's keep in mind that I don't even want to go. I'm misanthropic, meaning I hate people, I don't have the money to go, and I'm so unevenly tanned that me wearing a dress is scary. But they are making me go. My mom won't let me back out, my friends are giving me a guilt trip, and the stupid ticket is already bought and I can't get a refund. I mean, I'll go to the other events, of course. Grad Night is fun and the senior cook-out and activities are a blast. But do I really need to be stuffed in a room full of smoke machines, lazers, bad techno music, and crappy "Under the Sea" decorations to enjoy my senior year?

The answer is no. I hate having to spend my parent's money and this seems like a stupid thing to spend it on. I know most people disagree and I'm pretty sure it won't be completely awful, but it just seems like a waste of time, honestly.

If you read this far, thank you for listening to my rant. It is now over =]

Oh, and for kicks, here is a picture of what the ballroom looks like:
April 30th, 2009 at 02:43am