To every guy who wants a girl, and vise versa

Here is one of the crappiest lessons I have ever had to learn. Guys i don't care how hard it is to make a move but believe me it is well worth that effort. Be confident in everything you do or the girl will think you don't care. Shy may be cute but show here that you like her. Show her that she is important to you. If you don't she will loose interest and make a huge mistake. Please guys show your girls that you care about them.

Now for the girls. Just because your guy is shy doesn't mean he doesn't care. Give it time and if it doesn't work that don't just break up with him. Talk to him. If you two never talk than 99% of the time it will end miserably for the both of you. Show him that you care. You can't always wait for him to make the first move. Be confident. You have to put as much effort into the relationship as him.

Tips: if you are at a dance and see the person you like (especially to guys) just ask them to dance if you want to.

Make someones day by making them feel special. Don't let your feeling rot because regret doesn't take a break ever!!!

Disclaimer: I know this doesn't always apply and life isn't this black and white and just because you like them doesn't mean they are single. This is just some general advice so I'm sorry if it doesn't apply or work for you. Good luck.
May 1st, 2009 at 05:35am