Please Stop Freaking Out People!

I think I'm really sick and tired of the news currently. Everyone's in a panic over the Swine flu and that's all I ever hear. I don't want to hear about it anymore. Only one child died and he already had underlaying health issues so please stop the panic. Freaking out over small signs of illness is not healthy and you shouldn't be worrying if you cough, or sneeze, or blow your nose that you might have the swine flu. Actually, it's no longer swine flu, it's the hybrid flu. Oh woopie, a flu, big deal. Although I understand that if you are an infant, elderly, have astma, or a weak immune system to be a little panicky, but for the love of everyone's sanity, do not become hypochondriacs. Personally, I think this is going to blow over very soon, just like MRSA did.

Remember that? Everyone went into a frenzy, not touching anyone or anything and constantly washing their hands. I remember getting pissed because people were like 'GET AWAY FROM ME! YOU'RE GOING TO GIVE ME STAPH!' over a hug. They even said that if you had an open wound making contact with another open wound, you could get it. So it was kinda like HIV/AIDS. So take a damn chill pill people! What bothers me the most is my schools German classes are going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC on May 7 but seeing as everyone's panicking over the swine flu, they're like 'oh my god i need a surgical mask over my face'

I honestly hate when the world is sent into a frenzy over little tiny things. One girl in school told me that if I got the swine flu I'd die. Guess's part of life!! If it's my time to go then damn it it's my time to go! No use worrying over these kinds of things.

So yeah that's my little spiel, yes I like that word btw XD If I sounded rude or insesitive, then I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be, just a little annoyed with everyone's attitude. Don't get worked up is all I'm trying to say you know? Anyway, writing this killed a lot of time today in my History class, so I'm going to stop here.

May 1st, 2009 at 05:21pm