Which Would You Rather Lose?

I was just reading some articles on the Internet, and a certain one caught my interest. It was a question, which would you rather be - deaf or blind?

I grappled with this question for a long time. Being blind would be horrible - not being able to see people, or where you're going, for that matter. You would be living in the dark, not knowing where anything is - not knowing where you are. You would have to adapt to using only your hearing and smelling and touching, and it would be extremely difficult. You would have to learn Braille, and it would take much longer to read books, me being a book worm and all. You would never see the sparkling ocean again, or the leaves on trees swaying in the breeze. I would go crazy if I went blind - I would absolutely despise not knowing where I was, and only seeing darkness would just nibble under my skin until I couldn't take it anymore.

And being deaf would be just as worse. You wouldn't be able to listen to music, or the sound of people's voices. You'd have to learn how to read people's lips to read what they're saying, or learn sign language to be able to communicate. You wouldn't be able to hear the sound of birds chirping at five in the morning in the spring, or the waves of the ocean crashing on the beach. No crackling fireplace in the winter. Nothing. How would one live without hearing anything at all? The whole world would be blocked out, and it would be like living in a soundproof glass box. Just think - your ear starts ringing. It keeps ringing, and every minute it gets a little louder. After a while, it gets irritating, but you can't stop it. Then it gets so loud that you can't hear anything else at all, just the ringing. Who wouldn't go insane?

I would rather be blind than deaf for that reason. I would hate being blocked out like that. Just being in a glass box, not able to hear anything outside of it. Not even your own voice. I would probably go insane if I went deaf, mostly because of one reason - music. I can't live without it. Period.

So which would you rather lose - your sight or your hearing?
May 2nd, 2009 at 04:20pm