Pale Moon

I know, I know...
You all probably hate me right now for deleting Pale Moon.

But here is the thing. I'm taking it down because in the future (college, probably) I am going to pick it back up again. When I do, though, I'm going to be expanding it into a Trilogy. I had the story separated into three separate parts of ten chapters.

I was technically done with part one on Mibba, which one day will be book one of Pale Moon. There was so much stuff I wanted to expand on, but couldn't for the sake of making the chapters so long. There was more stuff that I wanted to add in the first chapter, and then wayyy more stuff in the flashback chapter. I also wanted to elongate the whole scene in the enchanted forest.

I also have to start reading more fantasy stuff so I can write better battles.

However, I'm probably not going to be posting it back on Mibba, even in the forthcoming years. I'm going to start writing up outlines for them so I can go back, add, delete, etc. Believe me, I love Pale Moon. I want to write it, for real.

I just want to make it the best that it can be. And I can't really do that on Mibba. I really hope you understand.

And I hope, in the future, you keep your eyes peeled for Pale Moon on bookshelves.
May 2nd, 2009 at 04:51pm