Dream involving Tim Minchin

I had my first Tim dream last night

I dreamt my mum and I were at the Usher Hall for Tim's show and we bumped into Tim before the show and no one else had noticed it was him so I took advantage and gave Tim my poem and he started to read it. He got so far through it and asked where I got it so I told him I wrote it and he continued to read it circling certain bits with a pen as he went. When he got to the end I asked him if he noticed the references to all the songs on his 3 live albums and he said the only one he didn't notice was Perineum Millenium - The In-between Years so I showed him the lines that point to that song out and he smiled.

Somehow the subject got onto my T-shirt (which was a Tim one that I bought before I came to the show - so I'd have one to wear at the show) and Tim started swearing and I asked him what was wrong and he said his feet were backwards. I said I didn't know what he meant so he pointed to the picture on my T-shirt. I looked down and his feet were backwards (don't ask why they were). Tim then led my mum and I into a smaller room at which point my mum asked what Tim was swearing at so I explained about the picture on my T-shirt but my mum couldn't see anything wrong with it.

Tim sat down at a table and motioned for my mum and I to join him and he offered to sign some stuff. I asked him if he had a black marker and he said yes so I asked him to sign the bag on the back of my wheelchair. He then started to draw a cat on another one of my T-shirts and wrote something in a speech bubble next to the cat and signed that too.

I woke up at that point but someonehow got back into the dream when I drifted off again

The next thing I knew Tim was saying goodbye to us saying that he had stuff to do before the show so mum and I went in to the main hall and found our seats. It turned out to be a tiny place with a bit for people to stand and a few rows of seats at the back. Despite being at the seats the view was good. When we arrived there was a four-piece folk band playing/just finishing (not sure which)

Then I woke up (and couldn't get back into it)
May 4th, 2009 at 10:25pm