Stories: Part Deux

Headfirst for Halos

Okay, I know there are going to be people who are angry with me, but for now I am canceling this story. What has been posted will remain there, but don't expect the story to be completed anytime soon.

Descriptive Writing

These are experimental and are used to get the creative juices flowing. Needless to say they aren't the best I've ever written, but I feel like posting them so I do--speaking of which I have another one I need to post.

[bGaia Verse

I will be taking this story down and rewriting it into a far superior story as well as providing a bit of background for those of you whom are unfamiliar with Gaia itself.

Coming Soon

I have the first chapter of my next one almost done and have given it a rather dull name. Once you read it and know what I'm talking about (I'll be making references to Firefly often) a title suggestion would be more than welcome. I should be done with it by this weekend and have it posted for all to see.
May 6th, 2009 at 01:12am