brothers & sisters put this record DOWN.

so, life has been pretty fucking amazing lately. and ubercrazy busy.

APRIL 29, 2009 !

i saw bruce springsteen live for the second time in my life. and probably the last. that's really sad. it was also his last show at the wachovia spectrum, which i think it also the first real gig he played. they're knocking the spectrum down soon. which is also really depressing, i've been there for so many things. but anyway! the concert was amazing. we were kinda high up, but we still had an amazing view of the stage from where we were at. i abosutely had a wonderful time there. got some cool pictures and got to sing with my daddy. it was so fun! it was me, my brother and sister, my dad and his girlfriend, and her mom. i'm never taking my brother to another concert. he's no fun, lmao. but my throat was stinging so bad after the show, it was painful. not to mention i could hardly hear properly for hours afterwards. it was so incredibly loud, weirdly (i'll explain that soon). during hungry heart he was so cute. he held out the mic to the audience (he was interacting with them a ton) and there was this cute old lady there and she sung part of the chorus. haha, i loved it.

the next day i got to stay home. it was pretty sweet. no school even when you're not sick is always awesome.

MAY 1, 2009 !

is the most amazing day of my life. seriously. ever heard about the believers never die part deux tour? well, it was a tour featuring—in the order they came on—hey monday, cobra starship, metro station, all time low, and fall out boy. first off: fall out boy is my favorite band of all time. patrick stump is my husband. all time low and cobra starship are two of my other favorites ever. i didn't really know to much hey monday, but they were awesome. newer bands are always so cool to see. my new friend (my friend kiri's best friend, haha) liz gave a heart to the lead guitarist of hey monday and he gave one back. it was really cool. i really don't like metro station at all. i guess some of their songs are okay. i don't get where people are coming from saying that mason musso is sexy though. lol. but i suppose you're entitled to your own opinions. enough about metro station though.

we were so close to the stage, seriously. it was general admission, so we all got to form an uncomfortable crowd. but we were in the second "row" by the time hey monday got on. though when cobra got on next it was ridiculous. people were pushing and shoving so much. we still were like, ten feet of the stage though. i could see everyone like, perfectly, even though were were more towards the right side of the stage. i have some pretty kickass pictures.

so after cobra starship came metro station. now, of course the day of the concert comes around and chooses to be a crappy day, right? so not too long after metro station gets on, it decides to start raining again. but it felt nice. it was really hot crowded around so many people. after we were all nicely soaked, and metro station got off, the rain stopped. haha. i really love how it only rained for metro station.

all time low was next. like, my second favorite band ever. i love alex gaskarth. he's going to be my second husband. he's hilarious. he asked us if we were all wet now, *insert some more talking*, then called us all perverts. i love him. one lucky girl even got to go on the stage during poppin' champagne because she was still crowd-surfing after the previous song ended. lucky bitch. they were still amazing though. and are apparently touring with we the kings over the summer. i'm totally going to that show.

so now we've been standing with barely any room to move for probably around three hours. fun, no? then its time for FALL. OUT. BOY. they're show was so fucking amazing. they played for around three hours. and pete was even funnier than alex. "you gotta rock out or the swine flu will fucking win!" i think we should all take that advice and start rocking out. you can't let the swine flu win, kids! the show was over after around four and a half hours of standing. do you have any idea how bad my legs hurt when i attempted to walk? really, horribly badly, lmao.

after that we went to kiri's house and had a sleepover. i didn't get to sleep until like one, prolly x: but it was such a fun day!


the day after the concert, i got to go to tara's (my dad's girlfriends) aunts' house. they're so sweet ;3; but after that, because we were in ashland, we went to the pioneer tunnel. lemme tell you, something, that is a pretty cool place. i'm sure not many people have heard about centrailia if you don't live around there, but its a city right next to ashland with a fire burning underneath it. its really cool. so, obviously, ashland has an old coal mine. i learned some pretty cool stuff there (i'm a nerd, i know)! we rode on this train up the mountain a little and learned about bootleg coalmining back in the 1920-30's and then actually got to go in an old tunnel. it was kinda scary down there. x:

i'm so excited! in german class, we're going to be getting penpals. i have no idea if its going to be a guy or a girl (i kinda would love a hot german boy, though ;D), but they match you up with someone with similar interests. i cannot wait to see what kind of person i get. i just hope they're into the same style of music i am, lol. it would kinda suck to get a rap-obsessed person.

i suppose i'm done rambling now, lmao. thank you for anyone who actually read this thing all the way through!
May 6th, 2009 at 01:35am