Allergic to the World!

Okay so two years ago I thought I wasn't allergic to anything. That all changed in the blank of the eye. I got tested for allergies. I had 21 of the 23 they tested. Oh but I am allergic to more than 21 things. I am allergic to 26 things. Each couple months I have found something new that I am allergic to. Its making it really hard to remember what I am surpose to stay away from. We had a list but we have trouble with keeping the list updated. Plus there is some stuff that I am having trouble staying away from. Example. Cheese. I love cheese. But everytime I eat it, I get the biggest migrine. Lucky it doesn't kill me. My family threatens to put me in a bubble. This was a very boring journal entry. So what kinds of stuff are you allergic too.
May 6th, 2009 at 01:38am