Bamboozle 09

This past weekend was the most fun I've ever had. Bamboozle was simply amazing! We left Friday night at like 10 or so 'cause that's when Jess got back from Hershey. It was me Papa (Jess's dad) and Sara in Papa's car. When we got there Kelly and Mike were waiting outside for us to get there. I love Kelly 'cause she had no shoes on and was walking around in puddles the whole time =] That night I didn't get to bed 'til around 3.

Saturday we woke up bright and early and went out to breakfast at a McDonalds. After that we started to Bamboozle which was at the Meadowlands. We got caught in traffic and we missed The Cab which was Jess's favorite band. After that we saw Like The Stars which is a local band from Point Pleasant Beach. They were really good.

After Like The Stars we saw The Bloodhound Gang. Jimmy Pop and Evil Jared are amazing. We only stayed for a couple songs though. We had a few hours to spare so we walked around and looked for merch. Finally it was time for Cobra Starship! After seeing them at Warped I was so excited to see them again. They make me soo happy. =]

Annie and I went off awhile later to see Sonny Moore. He's a hyper little guy! But I had a lot of fun when I went to see him. He's lucky he's cute too 'cause some chick kept bumping into me and Annie and wouldn't move over and I wanted to leave.

We waited for Fall Out Boy to come on and I was so excited to see Patrick! Jess sarted feeling dizzy so Sara, Papa, and I decided to just skip FOB and take her home. While we were wlakign she started falling and I was really scared. We got her to the emergancy tent though and they took care of her but they wouldn't take her to Papa's car. Damn people. Though, some dude came in on a stretcher 'cause he almost OD on something. I mean, I still saw Patrick, but I was too concerned for my friend.

Papa and Kelly's mommy helped her back to the cr then we left. When we got back it was like 12ish and they ordered food. I didn't get food that night til 1:40 something. Then we passed ouy.

Sunday was not so nice. It was raining and by the time we got there my socks and shoes were completely soaked. I felt like there was an ocean in my shoes! We got more merch then just wondered around for a few. We met VersaEmerge and Suicide Silence which was pretty cool.

That day I saw VersaEmerge, The Used, Demi Lovato, and Takign Back Sunday. Who knew the crowd for TBS would get so bad. I got kicked in the head a freaking crowd surfer and nearly lost my glasses! Anyway, we left before No Doubt 'cause none of us felt like staying. When we got to the parking lot I changed into my sweatpants for the car ride home in the parking lot, not caring if people saw me.

Oh, and I thought I'd never hear Sara curse and this weekened I did. It was...strange but it was because of the icky porta-potties.
May 6th, 2009 at 11:59pm