
So, just watched the New Jonas Brothers Youtube video. Very excellent. They've went back to their awesome funny vids, and this has really restored my faith in them.
I just took the comment virginity away from three innocent Mibba users. After this, I going for more. (You can't satisfy me. =D )
I'm so listening to the Wild Child Soundtrack. (And I'm ECSTATIC!!!!!!)
AND in less than an hour, Daughtry rise from obscurity, and will release his/ their new single. (I know Daughtry is technically a band, but all anyone cares about is Chris.)
The downside? I have Collage Exams tomorrow. =( First computers (EWWWWW!!!) then Art. (Again EWWWWW!)

Wish me luck!!!!
May 7th, 2009 at 02:14am