And Here I Thought I'd Never Have to Deal With This

Never did I imagine I would have guy problems. Me, Sarah, having guy problems? Ha, perish the thought! In my entire life, I have always been the liker, not the lik-ee. Its quite a desperate postion, to be honest. I'm a teenage girl with wants, insecurities, and hormones just like everyone else! However, my lack in... good looks... hasn't exactly made it easy for me to successfully get me a boyfriend. That all changed, though.

He's been my friend since about the beginning of the 2nd quarter of the school year. It's kind of funny, actually, the first time I saw him I thought he looked more like a grody little kid who didn't wanna take a bath no matter how much his mother begged of him, vs. the adorable and admittedly hot guy I see him as now. I don't know, a haircut changed everything! My BFF Alex and I actually told him to move seats on the first day of school in science so our other friend Alejandra could sit next to me. "Hi, umm, yeah, could you like, move, so our friend can sit there?" I know, I know! I feel bad about it! Especially since Alex, me, and him are all three best friends now.

I don't even remember how I got his number, but I did, and he would text me randomly. I only knew him as the weirdo kid in French and science that sat in the back of class and slept all the time. I didn't think he had many friends, actually.... ah, I was so naive. He would text me and ask if I wanted to go to the mall with him or hang out, I really thought the kid had a huge crush on me! I was flattered (and kind of suprised, see "lack in... good looks") but was totally not interested. I told him I had a boyfriend named Lane who was 15 and hot (not a complete lie, I do have a friend from church named Lane who is indeed 15 and hot, but we never went out. Just a little white lie!)

I got to know him though. He's a sweet person. Funny, caring, and just fun to be around. I never thought of him as anything more than a friend, though. Somehow he ended up sitting in front of me and Alex in science and so he'd turn around and we'd talk. That's how it was for 5 wonderful months.

He went out with some... questionable girls. One was actually a friend of mine--she's weird and kinda annoying, but who am I to judge who he dates? He also went out with this really slutty, skanky, so-not-worth-it girl, and I'm glad that ended quick! He asked me if he should end it with her, because he wasn't sure. He valued my opinion that much that the future of his relationship relied on me saying 'yes' or 'no'. I said no, and that was that. I think it was after that that I think I realized I valued our friendship more than I thought.

I didn't even see how much I liked him until just recently. I'd flirt with him, and he would actually flirt back. He'd look at me in the eyes when we talked. He is always touching me, or trying to get near me, like, he'd go to tickle Alex and he'd tickle her arm; he'd tickle my tummy... a lot! His hand would always linger just a little bit when he were in the lunch line (not in a perverted way) And our sarcasm in conversation was matched only by our dirty, dirty jokes! Haha. Any way you put it, we always got along. He'd tell me things I don't even know if I would tell some of my own best friends. Really, how could I misread those signals???

Well, things have finally gotten somewhere between us, in a relationship way. stay tuned to see what happened the night of the Senior Solo Concert, all those text messages, and why I'm depressed as ever now.
May 7th, 2009 at 04:13am