Internet Punks.

So this is basically a rant, and when I rant, I make no sense and tend to make myself look like a Retard. If you hate reading rants, stop reading after the following line or I am forced to make another rant on people who hate rants but read them anyways to cause trouble.
(LOL at me)

Ok, anywho.

I have developed this strong hate towards internet punks. What I mean by internet punks (Meaning my facking own definition so don't get mad at me if you think I'm wrong or being stereotypical) is people who think they're all that, hurt others because "Oh, it's just online! It doesn't matter!" When really, it does. They're the ones who are typically fake (pictures and personality wise) full of themselves, ignorant, and just plain clueless or delusional.

I use ( I know, I'm a Dork but oh well) and there's quite a bit of punks on there. It gets me so angry seeing someone talk shit to someone else because they're not perfect. There's no such thing as perfect in my book. They normally say if the person they are harassing kills them self, they are pathetic and it doesn't matter. Now obviously cyber-bullying is a little different from real life bullying, but both have the same effect. It doesn't matter if you verbally abuse some random person online; Their self-esteem could be quite crappy and anything they hear about them that's negative will have a huge impact on them. It doesn't matter if they read it online or heard it in school, it still hurts.

It may be kind of stupid to kill yourself because of something someone said or did online, but like I said above, people can be sensitive. The people that harass others online because their lives or most likely pathetic and dull and picking on innocent randomers on the net can spice it up, are pigs. I may be exaggerating, but I think those people should die or at least get a good smack on the wrist and do a reality check.

One of my Friends recently told me she was being bullied online by these three low-lifes saying she was anorexic, looked like an ogre, and should die. I was peeved when I heard this; It explained why she had been acting depressed for the past 2 weeks. She's normally bubbly and outgoing person. I managed to help her out by talking to her and the people harassing her. They stopped when I told them I would call the Police.

Well, I am really tired and bored so I am going to stop. I don't know what to say any more. If I keep typing, I'll just ramble and repeat myself. Hehe.

But ya...If you're an internet bully, grow the fuck up and leave people alone.

May 7th, 2009 at 06:56pm