This is a sticky situation.

Oh dear.
Why did i do this?
How did i do this?
Oh crap.

So basically I am seeing this guy. I really quite like him.
But he never asks me to meet up with him, we just sorta bump into each other.
He's always really hard to get hold of as he's never on msn or never texts back.
And to top it off he got off with another girl the other night, in all fairness he was drunk and high.
And did also walk into a tree.

Then there's this other guy. Friends with the guy I'm seeing.
And me and him talk a lot.
We talk almost every night.
We flirt quite a bit.
He always asks me if I want to meet up with him.
He is just generally lovely.

Last week we met up and we almost kissed a lot of times.
I was talking to him about it and he said the only reason we didn't is because I am seeing his friend.

Today we met up and we did kiss.
A few times.

i feel so bad. I mean its not like I'm going out with the first guy.
And he did get off with someone else.
But i also prefer the 2nd guy.

any advice you lovely people?
May 8th, 2009 at 11:39pm