i wish i didnt live in Hawaii


I've realized that I've taken this place for granted and it's no longer this beautiful and magical place. Sure there are certain moments (becoming less and less frequent) where I think, 'Wow. This is what everyone thinks it is." But there comes a time when all of that disappears. This lifestyle IS my life. The lifestyle everyone see's on vacation tv and the travel channel is this amazing place where everyone is at ease and nice and beautiful. But when you see it everyday for two years, it becomes something completely different. It becomes Real Life. Life with school and stress and problems. And you see the ugly side of paradise. The Ugly of homelessness, crime, rude people, ignorance and arrogance. Which is also the Normal Ways of Society. Cause yeah, unfortunately, that's apart of every part of the world in varying extremities.

But I'm thinking, if i never lived here, i would still have the same image of hawaii. i would still see it as an amazing vacation place and only dream of going there.

but ive ruined it. living here, its no longer the same. i wish i could stll think hawaii is this great place but its not anymore. im tired of 'paradise'.

People dream of coming here. Me, i only dream of getting away now...
i think i just need a break from hawaii. in a little while, ill be thinking, along with the rest of the world, "I wish I was in Hawaii."
May 9th, 2009 at 03:41am