Do we know anything?

No, we don't know anything but often times we delude ourselves into thinking we do. Why? Because we fear the unknown, and it's easier for a human to live a delusive, mostly untrue fantasy than living with the unknown. Some would argue humans would rather live with a lie than a truth. But truth is the great unknown. What is truth? What is true? It really depends on how you approach your existence. Are you religious? Do you believe in subective reality? Objective reality? Nihilism? Astrology?

Perhaps it is not a question of belief in something or someone, but just being. Being who you are. That can take a lifetime to discover and even when you've reached the end of the road, there is still more to learn but unfortunately the library of life doesn't allow for renewals.
Existence could be seen as an endless journey of the self to know the self. That could be truth, that could be the great unknown we all so fear. Perhaps the scariest thing we see every morning is the reflection in the mirror. Scary because we don't know him, we don't where to start with her, how do we cope with him and all his failings? What does she really need? We are the biggest mess in our lives, and I'm sure most of us would rather face cleaning a thousand messy kitchens then undertaking that journey of the self, of cleaning up the mess of ourselves.

So back to the original question... do we know anything? Anything at all?
No, we still don't because for each of us our truth is unique and ever-evolving, and not something we particularly enjoy or want to chase. Our assumptions and guesses which result in a multitude of belief systems and philosophies are our best efforts against the unknown, against facing an actual truth- that we don't know anything at all.
To me life is something where you should live everyday to the fullest no matter the consequences, just don’t go deciding, “Hey, I’m going to kill someone today”, no, that right there isn’t living life, that’s taking life and yes there is a difference. Life is about taking risks that might get you in trouble that isn’t end of the world bad, but the kind of trouble that makes it worth stealing a cookie from the cookie jar that your parents have placed on that high shelf, try and find a way up there avoiding knives and kitchen hazards, but in the end you got the cookie and a chew out from the adults, yet worth it.

There are those who think life is important sure, but they have to be able to do everything and be the very best they can be, well thing is you should be the best you can be but be yourself and live life because if you don’t you will never have worn those leg warmers, bright neon colors, headband and high heels, parading around the supermarket or school cafeteria singing and dancing to “Footloose”, which reminds me of the movie Breakfast Club—never seen it but still want to, which brings me to the point that if we don’t do the things we want, it will be too late to do it when we are seventy and higher. I would say that I live life like I am still a kid, yes I know maturity is needed, I have that, but I prefer to be able to live a fun life more than most, not that adults aren’t fun, just they lose their child-like fun and exploration drive; write a book or have random papers filled with stuff that you wrote about miscellaneous words that don’t make sense, I guarantee you that you’ll see it later when you are older or down and think, “What was I thinking? This is ridiculous,” but it still manages to make you laugh.

Meaning of life? You want the meaning of life? Everyone will tell you something different, me I say be whacky enough that someone might be thinking you should be in a straight jacket taken to “your new home” where the white bouncy looking walls are, with nice people there to give you shots and help you with your problem or simply take care of you. You might be just insane enough that you’ll make the others around you sane and appear normal, which everyone is normal no matter if they are crazy or whatever else they are…then again normal is just a word, no one is really ever normal that is what I should be saying, normal is boring and is ordinary, we as humans are not those things, we are unique and our own self—some actually can find another person and be so alike to them then it is just scary, you are no longer your own self, nope not anymore—so scratch what I said about everyone being normal, it’s just another formality.

Answers, we need answers, we want them, can and can’t have them, will either never know, or do know them, yet still ask for answers as if we are completely clueless and brain dead when really you know it, just dig deep inside that cranium and you’ll find it. Meaning of life, there are answers, but which is the correct one? What, when, where, why, and how, catchy to say and always asked by a person I don’t know how many minutes or seconds you are breathing or living right this second, because I am not a scientist, how in the world do those scientists know that is exactly what kind of things are happening every second, every minute, every hour, every time you freaking blink or your heart beats, that someone is going to die or some other thing that happens in this world? If I moved my glasses an inch on the table would they be able to know that I did so, that “Hey, she just moved her glasses an inch, we better record that,” and then next time a person needs to inform somebody of something useless or important they can say, “Every second that goes by, a pre-adolescent who wears prescription glasses moves them an inch, think about that,” well I’ve got something to say and that is that nothing is known every single second of every moment and sure life is limited but not timed, it just isn’t interesting.

Somebody comes up to you and says that life isn’t always fun and that it can’t be that way, you have to live through the dull, the scary, the dangerous, the harshness of everything you experience and that is life, that is what it is all about, you barely have fun with that sense the person has that said those words, want to bet that maybe their life is that way and guess what they don’t like it and are in fact trying to change that, trying to add more spark and spunk to their daily activity so then they live what I like to call life.

Like I said, you want the meaning of life, do things outrageous that is your answer, be awesome, be neat, be clean, be muddy, jump in the lake from that high cliff that appears so scary and life threatening just so then you can get that rush that comes before the conscious telling you that you could’ve died by hitting those rocks, could’ve drowned…life is what we make it, live every day to the fullest, and if you could see me ‘d be screaming in agreement.
May 9th, 2009 at 08:55pm