My Identity




Sad thing is it has nothing to do with writing...What im angry about is my performance group, especially my director....She is soooo annoying....

Ok...let me make myself clear...i do love my director, she is really funny and quite insane but at the moment she is my nightmare...

To all of you out there you probably couldn't care less or you think i'm over reacting...which i probably am....but its just annoying at the moment...

We are doing an original play called 'The Id Entity' Its about your identity and what makes us who we are...And I have the character of Willow, an emo girl working in a shop called 'Finding Emo' (play on words), which is all fine with me.

My problem is that I have this image and this whole thing on how Willow talks, they way she speaks sends sort of a chill up your spin and she really freaks people out based on the way the scene is set up and what the script actually is. But my director was sitting there and going, 'dont talk in an American accent', 'Say it in a deadpan voice', 'this scenes meant to be comical', 'Do a big sigh at the end.' She keeps telling me how to act my character. And I can do nothing but say 'yep' and continually nod my head, changing MY bloody character to fit her needs.

Problem is, i have practiced my lines with the way I want my character to be. And the way i say it, adds an American accent but its all by accident....

I just want to do it my way...she didnt even want to see how I do it. Its not fair.

But i'll live...All acting is, is how well you can take orders and i need to remember that..
May 10th, 2009 at 06:36am