Opening remarks

Okay. This is about all the weird/creepy/stalkerish messages people leave to newcomers, especially guys. If i leave anyone a message, its likely to be something you would say to someone when meeting them for the first time such as "hi. Welcome to mibba. Its really awesome here, and i hope you enjoy." or "hey. Whats up? Mibba is pretty sweet, i'm sure you'll love it." this is a greeting most people probly won't be freaked out by. In fact, they'll most likely think of you as a kind and welcoming person.
I'm sorry, but most messages don't seem like this, to me at least. If you just scroll through people's profiles, you'll notice all kinds of abnormal messages. Some of them are random, but most of them are just plain creepy. Heres a sampling of some of the things i found- enjoy- and please, by all means, laugh your butt off.
"i eat heads for a living" um ok, that would totally welcome me without making me fear for my life.
"so, when do you wanna start making babies??" wtf? A little too straightforward if i say so myself.
" ^________________________^ <---- thats a whale's face." im sorry, but are you on crack?
" comment rape! Yummy!" eww. Freak. Most people actually know when they're being comment raped. They don't need you to point it out to them by you adding to the comment rape just to say 'comment rape'.
"do you like blueberry muffins?" well, thats a start. But slightly more like a normal person, maybe?
"omg. I would most definatley rape you in an alley. Any girl would." that, right there, is just plain creepy. What kind of girl goes off raping guys in alleys? On second thought, don't answer that. And last, but not least...
"holy!!!!! I think i just found something dead under my big toe nail!! Sick!" no doubt. And who wants to know about that when thats the first thing you say to them? Definately not me. Thats just weird. So please, i beg of you, try not to let the first thing you say to someone else make them think that you've just escaped the asylum. And all you newbies, good luck on the comment rape.
May 10th, 2009 at 07:20pm