vicious thoughts....

Everyday i go back to the same thoughts. Everyday those thoughts get worse, get more in depth, and get more twisted into my brain, yet i always ask the same questions nobody can answer including religious beliefs. For it is unknown. Foreigner.

The questions that always linger and branded in my brain is:
1) Am I real?
2) Why do I feel numb and not feel from the heart?
The other MAJOR question is hard to form in a question to, even form in words. I'll try my best to describe, but you know how your living your lives? I kind of question why I'm living in this body. Why not somebody else's? In a way do other people live like I do. Am I the only one living life like a movie layout. In a silly sense since I'm living in this body, this life. I question other people's existence even though everybody is around me. I guess you could say everybody to me is just an object. just a thing. not real. but i am.
I know it's weird for thinking this, but honestly i think/believe that everybody and everything is an object but me. weird, yes. beyond unrealistic, i don't know. Maybe it's just the fact i don't care, feel numb, think with my mind not from the heart and feel from the mind not heart. I don't know what is, but these thoughts and questions get at me worse and worse into making it seem like everything is nothing but an object excluding me....sometimes.
I know it's BEYOND silly to think like this but I honestly don't know what or how to think of things ever. I always questioned this since i was probably 4-5 years old.
So please don't be like your crazy...I already know I am.
Don't be anger with what I think, because honestly we never know the unknown.

I am not "emo" or suicidal in any way.
I am known for thinking outside of the box of everything and anything that's all.
May 11th, 2009 at 04:58am