I'm not sure what to put for that title, I'm still in shock... GO READ THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Yeah, I think that'll work.)

Okay, so this is kind of weird, and not what I usually do, but GO READ THIS STORY NOW!!!!!!!!! http://my-jonas-fiction.blogse.nl/log/other-fan-fiction/part-one.html#react
Let me explain. For about two or three monthes now (Since March) I've been talking with this girl who live in the Netherlands. (Via e-mail) Her name in Marlissa, and we met on FFE. (Jonas Brothers fansite thing.) Recently she told me she was writing a Jonas Brothers Fan Fic in English (All her others were in Dutch) (Yay Babelfish!!!)(Google 'Yahoo Babelfish' Jesse. You might actually get it.) and that she might put me in it. I thought that was sweet that she would find a spot for me in her story, and didn't really think about it again. Then, about twenty minutes ago, I check my e-mail, and find a link to the first chapter of her story. So, being the great friend that I am, I go to read it. Turns out, when Marlissa said "a spot" she ment one of the main characters. I don't know why I'm freaking out so much over some girl I don't actually know, that lives half-way around the world, putting me in her Fan Fic, BUT I AM!!!! I was so touched, I almost cried. (Right in the middle of English.)
Again the link is: http://my-jonas-fiction.blogse.nl/log/other-fan-fiction/part-one.html#react
May 11th, 2009 at 07:44pm