When life gives you lemons

Ouch I am aching all over. Bruises and cuts everywhere.
Bravo Kate, bravo.

So if you read one of my previous journals you would know that I had been having a few guy problems.
They're all sorted now.
The only reason that Jake wasn't texting back was because my texts never got sent.
And he said that he would make more effort to try and see me during the week :)
I really like him.
I don't think i should tell him about me and his friend kissing though.
I mean he didn't tell me about him kissing some other girl.

Eurgh parents are so annoying.
Mother is on a rampage right now, I'm just gonna stay out of her way.

Right so the other day, I went to town with my friend after school.
And we sorta lost track of time.
I had to be home at 6:30 but rang my dad and he said i could stay till 7.
But no later.
So we lost track of time.
I left town at 6:50.
It takes me half an hour to walk home.
Wanna know what i was thinking then?
I was thinking FUCK.
Because my parents were already annoyed with me.
So I ran almost all the way home.
I was about 10 minutes late.
I got a stitch and everything on my way home.
Just to find:
May 11th, 2009 at 08:03pm