Ramblings of a Teenage Stalkee(;

Designer Babies?
What a topic for Biology, like! Is it right or wrong, guys?
Friends are mean, they draw on me, it makes me sad, Fiona! It still hasn't come off>:( Anybody have a good way to remove pink hilighter from someones face? Leave a comment with it, SOON PLEASE! I can't go out like this:(
Swine Flu!! I have it, and so does Orla:( Well, we don't ACTUALLY have it, but we are going to, thanks to some woman at the Novena today, sneezing into her hand, and then making us shake it. EW! Catch it, Bin It, Kill It, people!
Bebo is REALLY slow at uploading pictures. I might put some on here, as well, but I don't know how:(
May 11th, 2009 at 09:37pm