I give up!

Things aren't going to get better if things keep going the way there going nothing is going to get better. They act as if they don't know each other and keep it on the 5 word count when in the same room. They just need to suck it up the past is the past. I am tired. I am just tired of all of this. Start over, run away, that's what everyone else is doing and frankly I don't give a damn anymore. I give up on this family.
I hate the fact that everyone talks behind each others back. The way they talk in person. Just everything! I hate being call crazy and a 'psycopathic bitch' [by the way you spell that wrong it's spelled: Psychopathic] I just hate everything our family has become and I give up!
Maybe I have John for a reason? Maybe I do need therapy. Maybe a lot of things but I do NOT like being called out of my name. I had enough of this. And now I just give up. I don't care anymore, do what you guys want. I'm not going to try to stop it. I want you all to move I want you all out of my life!
May 12th, 2009 at 01:08am