How do you help a extremely unhappy friend?

This year made a new best friend. Pretty quickly into the friendship she told me about the cutting shes done and just how sad she used to be but she was good now.

Now mom is probably the stupidest person i have ever met. Basically, my friend is the mom and her real mom is a alcoholic pot head who wastes all their money and doesn't have a job so my friend has to care for 4 kids.

Lately on twitter her updates have been really depressed. Today she tweeted goodbye, she was done and was gunna kill herself. i mean shes done it before and i know t seems like shes just doing it for attention, probably seems like I'm writing this for attention but I'm not. i want to know what to do? She hasn't been tweeting, logged into myspace or facebook or texting, in over 2 hours. and this girls a Internet junkie. Its rare that she goes this long without any thing. Ive texted her twice and no replays. This is probably the first time in years that i literally cant wait for school tomorrow. i need to know shes okay. And if she is, what i could possibly say to make her feel better. I have never been good at making people feel better. I crack jokes and make them laugh but i know later, they just feel worse. I scared to death I'm gunna lose my best friend.
May 12th, 2009 at 02:26am