Rarely do I jump straight to the chase, but I'll spare you my usual ramblings this evening.
Very recently, my mom was diagnosed with AML which is a form of blood cancer. I am not wishing for sympathy comments here or sob stories. My family has really stepped up and been incrediable.
Also, though cancer is very serious, it's not like in the movies, it's also highly treatable. However, watching my mom fight this, I know it can be painful and I want to be there for her and I am.
However, i'm supposed to move in 24 days to the US for a job and I have a place set up there, it's all legit and final. This job is a great opportunity and something I was really looking foreword to, as awful as it may sound, I still am.
What do you do? Stay here and be there for a loved one? Regretting what you missed? Or go away and feel guilty?
I'm not sure which would I can live with comfortably.
Your answers might help unriddle me.