Not Silly Spam ; May 11, 2009.

Oh my lord. It's been a while since I got on here. But Maya told me to get on so, I decided I should. (: I've been thinking I might publish a story, but I'm done with the poems- I'm not too good. I do like this 'blogging' thing though. I like to rant to people. Or to myself, I suppose ; if no one reads this. I should probably stop writing them at 1:35 in the morning.

Probably the scariest word in the English dictionary.
After cancer, murder, divorce, and taxes.
Finals - finality. This IS your FINAL grade. Fuck what you've done the rest of the year.
They want to know what you do now, at the end, with ALL of it jam packed into a huge stressful test. Fun, eh? (:
Finals are code for all nighters, lots of coffee, lots of headaches, and maybe even tears.
I cried in a Science exam once
OH - Science.
I hate hate hate hate hate Science.
Not only is my teacher insane.
But the material doesn't get in my head.
It's like I hear it, but I don't comprehend.
I'm usually a fabulous comprehender, science just doesn't work for me.
But really. Finals. I don't understand why they have to test us on the cumulative year.
Because, really? That's not showing them anything but how well we do under pressure.
I fuck up.

Ugh. Get the fuck over it. I saw this quote ;
"90 people get the swine flu and everyone wants to wear a mask.
One million people have aids and no one wants to wear a condom."
I thought that was perfect. When something that wasn't part of the plan comes along, everyone freaks out because they aren't prepared for it. Like with the swine flu, it endangered US. But if your neighbor's slutty daughter contracts AID's, it's tragic and awful, but it's not a BIG sad thing to you because it's 'part of the plan'. If someone in Africa dies of AID's it's not a BIG sad thing to you because again, it's 'part of the plan'. I don't know.
Just me rambling. (:

I've been thinking lately.
Love. Love. Love.
It's such an ideal word.
Everyone wants to experience it.
But, how do you KNOW you're in love?
I always thought I'd be able to tell.
But, I kind of thought the other day. What if love is just an idea
that we made up so we are less lonely? What if love is just an emotion that is
actually extreme happiness, or caring towards a person?
What if the secret to love is that it just doesn't exist?

My teacher was randomly going off about Romeo & Juliet in English class.
We aren't studying it, but she decided we were going to discuss it.
After explaining how it was a story of 'love at first sight' she asked everyone to raise their hands if they believed in 'love at first sight.' As you can tell from what I previously said,
I have my doubts about love. Let a lone 'love at first sight'.
Me & my best friend were literally the only people who didn't raise their hands & she came over to me and was like - "So, why don't you believe in love at first sight? What about Romeo falling for Juliet?" She asked me like I was wrong.
I just kinda looked at her and went ;
"Romeo was in love with someone else and he just saw Juliet and fell for her,
he didn't fall in love with HER, he fell in love with her beauty even though he had been pining over some other girl the same night.
Love at first sight is shallow.
Yeah, he loved her eventually, but not at the beginning.
That was lust. He's just a typical guy.
Guys think they're in love with these gorgeous girls, but they're in love with their body and face. And the fact that he was obsessed with Rosaline makes him such a player,
changing his mind like that? I mean -"
And my best guy friend just goes, "Yeah, I think she's saying Romeo was a bit of a douche and love at first sight is something we imagine to keep ourselves happy."
I was very happy with him for sticking up for me. (:

Oh, ok here's my perfect guy -

Handsome (nice jawline, good hair, amazing eyes, good body, but not body builder)
Smart (not a know-it-all, but he knows it all)
A musician/writer ( I love the idea of marrying a poet. Not a corny poet. A real poet.)
Mysterious ( Not in a cliche way )
Makes me laugh ( But, in different ways - not like all the other guys )
A smoker. ( I know that sounds AWFUL, but there's something so romantic about smoking. Don't ask me.)
And he can't be a sweet charmer all the time; we have to fight. He has to be kind of cocky and arrogant. But he has to love me more than he loves himself.(:

Picky? Oh sure(: But a girl can dream

If you read this, girls - what's your perfect guy?
Guys- what's your perfect girl?

-Just Another Girl.
May 12th, 2009 at 07:49am