Hey....I suck.

Hey, I just wanted to tell everyone that I suck. The reason for that is that I'm unable to update my stories at the present time. Sorry if you liked them. I do too! It really sucks, but I'm just so UNBEARABLY busy at the present time, that I can't even get any decent writing in. Stupid school and your stupid finals! Ugh, I can't wait for the summer. But I hope you readers of my stories don't hate me forever, and stay my friends. That's all, really. I'm so incredibly sorry!!!! AHH. I hate my life as of now. The only reason that I will possibly be going on Mibba is to read the stories that I'm subscribed to, and be a loyal reader! Because, unfortunately, that's all I have time for. Again, I officially hate my life.

May 14th, 2009 at 03:57am