Ranting on Music Nowadays

Listening to the radio used to be fun during my pre teen years. Now I hate it. Every time I turn it on some teeny bopper boyband/crap female singer starts screeching into my ears. Seriously people, what the hell is wrong with most of the Radio Stations? Whatever happened to good soulful music with an actual MEANING.

I know it is all a matter of opinion but something that really enrages me is when I listen to people like Britney Spears who barely know what they are singing. I mean, what is the point in singing something when you don't even find a meaning to the lyrics. Music is about transmiting good feelings to others, not just blabbing out some catchy rhymes.

I know asking you people to listen just to music like Ataxia and Sonic Youth would be like trying to make a dog talk. But I would seriously advice you to take this in cosideration from now on. Music is not JUST a sound, believe me, there's much more behind it.
May 14th, 2009 at 04:43am