This Years Most Open Heartbreak

So I guess this thing is like blogging right? Except it's called a journal and Mibba says you're supposed to put effort into it, so it must not be exactly like a blog but for the same purpose. Hm...Interesting. No not really.

Well I'm going to be writing these frequently instead of posting a bunch of pointless things on my profile.

See, I like to complain. Okay, not complain, but just let people know what's going on in my life, but I don't like talking about it...If that makes any sense. Like I love finding really depressing icons and icons with razorblades, pills, things like that so I can let people know that I'm depressed. Or I'll go on a poem writing craze. Most of them don't end up on here, but they will soon. Or I'll listen to "emo" music. I hate using that term, but that way everyone knows what I'm talking about.

But I don't like telling people that I do actually mean pretty much every word that is on any icon I post or any poem I write.

Most of the time I seem to be a pretty happy person, I mean just go look at that list of things that make me happy! It's insane. I sound like a 7-year-old or a teeny bopper.

Ugh...I dunno. I'm just going through a bunch of total bull shit right now and it's hell. I don't wanna talk about it, but I'd thought (anyone who cares) should know.

'kay? Thanks. Bye.
May 14th, 2009 at 09:51pm