
Dear Mibbians,

Urgh! Science was hell yesterday! There's this girl right?...Lets call her Shelly, and she has always had a problem with me since sixth grade (Year 7 or whatever). She does EVERYTHING she can to make my life a misery! She's called me every insult under the sun and turned EVERYBODY against me at one point. I really don't understand her problem with me.

Anyway yesterday she was doing the same thing and she had discovered recently that I go to the gym, big shocker to some people and to her it's just something she can use as ammo. This isn't the bad thing because it didn't bother me so much her making snide comments about the gym. It bothered me a little when she called me fat and stuff but she's been doing this for years. It bothered me when she saw something so private. My cuts from self harming.
My way of coping was found out by the school bully.

Unlike other people she wasn't shocked she just sneered at me and called me an emo and wrote on my notebook that in capital letters and made snide comments about it until I had enough. I walked right out of science. No one really noticed.

I don't honestly think anyone cared either. I refuse to be in the same class room as her. I hate her so much, I don't understand why she hates me so much when I was never horrible to her.

Love Petite Pixii
Aka Kellee!

May 15th, 2009 at 08:16am