Mythology of the book Diamonds and the mist

Hollanders History and Mythology of earth

Back in the human ages many of our worlds monsters were known only in Mythology, some known better than others. In old books dating from before humans entrance to the mist tell of them my own race, the centaur is very well known as the smart ones of the world, I know how famous we are and how you must know all about my race but I have to tell little about all of the races shown in this book….(Note to illustrator: The information given here is planned to have illustration that will require more detail then needed for the book itself, look for the notes to know how to make the things of this book, the images here will be the most colored other then he front cover, please make the colors dull enough that they will not seem odd on this book.)
Harpin and Harpy- the Harpy is like a half bird human, with the chest and head of a female and the hips and lower of a bird. They in replacement to hands have long curved talons, their hands and arms replaced by wings. The most commonly seen are the Harpy hunting party who tend to be very lazy about cleaning themselves of the messy job of killing and bring the dead carcass to the Harpies nest. The rest tend to stay in their nest and caves committing to politics and planning hunting effectiveness. Historically Harpies are known as monsters what would take to being foul mouthed covered in grime and their human portions taking to be like looking at the face of a deformed human. In reality only the hunters seem to look like this the ones that stay near the nest are very cleanly and care a great deal about their words. If not for the fact that people fear them some would say they are in looks like a human with some worse than others, others better then the some. In their more know form you would hear of them as punishers of the dead or a sign of death, because of their bird portions being that of a Vulture in a desert you would see them as things to tell you that the end in near, in legends that has taken on a greater form of signs and in the end the Harpy was thought of. (The harpy is not really a well placed image for a book that is planned for all ages so an image of the Harpin will do better considering that a Harpy is not really a type of thing that can fit on clothing for the female human portions.)
The Hapin is a lesser known but still heard of type of bird, basically the male equivalent of the Harpy. They have the most body of the Harpy other then holding male form for their human portions instead of female. The sharp talons a Harpy has are none existent on the males being that there are so few Harpins that they never take part in fights leaving the large population of Harpys to do the job. Harpins tend to be the main potations of the race and leaders that stay in the main nest. If you are to survive in harpy areas you would do well to become friends with a Harpin, they tend to be the more respected and less likely to kill people you would run into. (The other things to think on are that the wings are in a curve form on the body the feathers starting in a almost half circle starting from the shoulder, to the arm pit the highest point of the curve being a quarter of the way to the nipple of the chest. The feathered lower portions start in a almost curved wide V just below the belly button [don’t really know any other name for it] The feathers almost like shorts stopping at what would be the bend in the knees to go to the bird legs.)
Storks- In the past they were once birds that had very few purposes, after the mist took over some of them other then transform into something else they just grew, and grew, and grew. Not the best thing to meet as a child. Turning into a monster that enjoys eating the child forms of most races. (That large bird I think before was in note to draw.)

Nari- They is like children who have the lower bodies of a bird demon. Their bodies are not made properly to hold their own weight so their moves are jolty from their wings needed to move almost in a blur. They are one of the few half human forms that will be found as not holding anything but the smallest levels of intelligence, their main weapon being their vast numbers. In Slavic legend, the Nari are evil creatures who are the souls of dead children taking on this form. The Bulgarians speak of similar beings who take the shape of birds. These demons take on the powers to become intangible and posses the inanimate lifting it and dropping it on others. They are more or less feared for their happy giggles like little children, humans never fall for it but some of the centaur number may, being that they are allied with the humans yet are one of the few who tend to have a hard time telling the difference. The main problem being the fact that most of the half human forms are allies and some of the Centaur number have not yet learned that Nari are not one of them. So sadly Nari’s tend to find Centaurs as the main meal. (The Nari is rather simple use any bird as refine you want, in the many legends they argue a great deal on what bird is it half of, it does not matter much. The arms are replaced by wings just like the Harpy and the Harpin they are normally marked as glowing white said to be a trick to make foolish people think they are holy. They hold the faces of kind children, in mythology humans fell prey to them a great deal, their wings in the images they are depicted in they are always using their arms to keep themselves up, blurred or obscurely looking like human arms, the image would be best to be them standing on their wings a design of something that may possibly make them look like they have hands when they flap their arms.)
Aitvaras- a household spirit in Lithuanian mythology, they also go by names like Damavykas, Sparyzius, Koklikas, Gausinelis, Zaltvikšas, and Spirukas, Kaukas, Pukis. An Aitvaras looks like a white or black rooster with a fiery tail. If it is let out of the home then it takes the form of a dragon. They wonder the world and if they happen across a village they will send themselves into a home and live there, bringing both good and bad luck. I myself have one in my own house they can be good guards as long as you do not let them near anything that can burn. (Image of this would be simple a black rooster replacing its tail with what would look like live fire.)
Midgard serpent or Jormundgand or also known by World Serpent-taking the form of a great snake like sea monster, its skin like that of a ell it may even have once been a ell before the mist took over, in Norse mythology, a sea serpent, and the middle child of the giantess Angrboða and Loki. In legend he surrounded the world of the oceans all the way around gaining the name world Serpent. In reality it is a great snake like monster that lives in the seas. Ranging from a size of 20 to 60 feet long this is a monster that we can be thankful that it is locked in the seas. (The image for this look up World Serpent for reference and place about three of them smaller in water)
Níðhöggr or by most Nidhogg- Colored brown scales, a face made to rip into dirt and roots, two lags to dig, and a tail made to knock dirt down behind them. In Norse mythology, Níðhöggr is a dragon who eats the roots of the World Tree, Yggdrasill. In our world there is no World Tree, but there is the Nidhogg. They are a type of dirt dragon that is well known to enjoy living under a garden or farm. They are mostly harmless, other than to plants and the poor farmers. (this one is something that is a problem there is no proper image of a underground dragon. This dragon is shown to have only two legs that are made for digging and a head that looks a little in the shape of a shovel, its tail pointed and as its moving is filling in its hole, it’s all brown, while it is eating the roots of the world tree, we will replace it by what would be like a farmers crop. You decide on the way that should be designed)
Centaur- A half human half hoarse born from Greek mythology. Normally taking on in mythology of being extremely smart or being little more than animals with a human face, I am thankful that the first was what became of my race. There are to many stories to know what made Centaurs in mythology, too many argue. (Centaurs are one of the half humans who would wear clothing on occasions so you can choose to make a male of female image)
Cockatrice- A creation that looks like a large rooster puffed up to be as tall as the average human and as round as a ball other then the lizard tail it holds that has a round like disk on its end. In Greek mythology it is said that for one to be born it must be made by a rooster then a frog must rest on the egg, it sometimes in stories a snake surfaces, but it is not likely to work as well. In our world I am unsure if it is true I do not know if a rooster can lay an egg, and why a frog would bother to sit the long time it would take. But what I do know is that they enjoy hunting down in parties of five to ten, mostly taking after enemies that may have once be bugs, but will take to a weak animal just as well. (Basically the description just know that think of a rooster then image its puffed up into a ball its small legs under it and a long scaly tail, they are many times shown as very colorful.)
Kitsune- originating from Japanese folklore, but the name is untraceable for how long it has been around, it’s able to take on the form of a fox or the form of a human female, in rare cases a old man but in the stories this creation are it is never willingly. The race in order to be born requires any other race, no matter what the other is the outcome will be Kitsune. In some stories they would take a liking to humans and the love would over time leading to the human finding out and being forced to make her leave, over time that lead to a death to both of them. The fox as it gets older will gain up to nine tails, the nine tails form is shown to commonly be a evil entity but the single tailed is commonly used in many romances. In our world they are shown to be normally dressed in traditional Japanese clothing. Its clothing is the color of its fur ranging from red to gold. Many humans have fallen prey to their shapely bodies walking into the mist, to become pets to the Kitsune. (Because of the nature of the Kitsune draw a girl petting a yellow fox, that way it will cover both, neither need much explaining on how they need to look other then what has been told.)
Sphinx- Coming from ideas of Egypt, as show it is a lion with a human head, they are really little known about as being alive, mainly because they seem like they are made of stone and sleep for long times, the smallest being one that is just born. (well I think if you know enough about the sphinx in Egypt then you need not explaining, just make it sitting in a odd place, like a forest )
Dryad- A female who has her soul locked to a tree, in many stories they are more or less nude. Creatures that tend to play with people. In our own case they can be either kind and help or try to bring you to your death, letting their tree crush you and use your blood. They take on their human like form to protect old trees, a young tree of this kind will have its dryad hiding in the leaves, they as they get older can go farther and farther from their tree. They are mostly known only to kill people who try to harm their tree. (In this they are clothed in what would look like large leaves. Hanging from their tree, unless you plan to look at something I do not know a girl would like, then you would do well just know that they are female and are depicted normally as hanging from a tree branch.)
Basilisk- Large snake like monster that has a paralyzing stare, or that of death, known as the snake king. Many fear them; luckily they tend to stay to the southern lands far away from me. But to what I have been told there is a little place not far from this village where one was sliding around. (This has many images you can look at as reference.)
Lorenast, Morlect, and Zoren- The bones…….A race that little is fully know as to what though them up, most other races that live in the mist have been heard of at least in myth. The Lorenast are a race of people with numerous powers all little known of, the only one I was ever able to gain was that they when attacked have a bone like block that protects them, making them almost impossible to kill, at least by my fighting. The Lorenast also had shown that they can willingly pull it out and hide the bone back under their skin. To the northern and southern regions they have sister races known as the Morlect and the Zoren the Morlects live to the north and are most known for being able to cover themselves in ice strong as diamond. The Zoren live to the south and are known most for calls using stone to cover themselves, the stone coming from their skin. (They are humanoids other than their white skin, gold eyes and white hair. Draw them, in their natural armors.)

Torqus- probably the only insect left that goes into the fur or hair of other animals. They seem to exist in no old stories but are known well in our time, they are like the extinct ants but with real speed. They use the fur or hair of others as a race track. (draw a ant in a area of brown lines, like hair)
Charybdis- In greek mythology a sea monster said to be the nymph daughter of Gaia and Poseidon. But was turned into a monster of a sea creature by the King of the gods Zeus. I do not know about her old form but she is a common thing to see in a much smaller form in ponds and rivers looking as she takes form as a huge bladder of a creature whose face was all mouth and whose arms and legs were flippers and swallows huge amounts of water three times a day before belching them back out again, creating whirlpools. (Other then what has been told the creature is normally a transparent blue.)
Griffin- A legendary creature with the body hind quarters of a lion and the front of it eagle form, along with commonly eagle’s wings and feet, and a mix of the lion and eagle on the head, many times they are depicted as having long pointed ears like that of a dog or hoarse. Its tail was like that of a whip strong enough to cleave a man in half. In many places they had stone griffins adorning the sides. The griffin was a sign of intelligence and power. In our world they are intelligent monsters, their feathers almost as strong as the stone they were shown in, the fur that covers the rest of them all but the legs is like thorns to the touch but looks like the fur of a great lion. A rare and rather fearsome monster, very few are tame, and the few that are, are raised with a person from birth, a very hard thing to get the egg of a griffin. Otherwise they are only know to be seen in the mountains. (I think I described it well enough to understand.)
Black Crow- In old stories they were know as two things tricksters and lead dead souls to their final resting. They can grow to be at most with a wing span of three yards, I have heard tales of them shorter but that is as I think, just a story of a bird with the same name. (Large black crows, easy to know what they look like, just imagine it bigger then in reality.)

Zantos- A massive and dark monster that may have been the fault that the mist took our world, legend only tell so it having almost no form like a massive cloud of mist with red eyes and uses what may been its tail to cleave people who are not affected by the mist in half, humans and others who get to close are said to go mad even with the protection of the diamond…(Draw a image of purple mist with two red large eyes looking out.)

Chimaera- It holds the head of a lion, body of a yellow goat, along with the tail of a snake. Holding the ability to breathe fire through a combustible gas that reacts with oxygen they are thought to be related in part to the dragon, (not by my consideration) They are well known for their enjoyment of hunting down Dryad, liking how they cannot make it far away and their weakness to fire. (I think I made that well enough to draw a image of.)

Cyclops- A one eyed giant, with little intelligence in this monsters head, its main instinct to eat. Many have said that they come in large arrays of color some a bright red some a dark green, even some that are pink. They are a colorful and violent bunch. (Well enough description)

Fairies- A race of small human like creatures with wings like a dragonfly, they come in many colors, it is unknown how like humans they are because all their life they glow like little lanterns, of all different colors. The only time they do not glow is after birth for a few minutes and once they die, the ones that die are quickly hidden away for who knows what Fairies do to their dead but nobody has ever dug up or ran into the dead body of one so it may be possible by my ideas that they are burned to ash. I personally know of only one and it’s an annoying little thing that enjoys giving people a nickname every time it sees someone. I do not know if that is how they all act but it probably is a hint at what the rest act like. (A glowing white orb with a blur that looks like wings would work.)

Hydra- A water like monster that is said to not be able to die, it is said they grow two heads in place of ever head that is lost, it is a water monster that the lower half is not know of but the only thing that is ever seen is its heads out of the water, they say the only way to truly kill it is to get it out of the water or stab it in the heart. (draw a lake that has five blue dragon like heads coming out)

Minotaur- A half man half bull creature that is said to have the head of a bull and the body of a man, I personally from seeing it have seen it having the head and body of a bull, but had the hands of a man and a body that was able to stand up, known to enjoy one on one combat, it never has been seen to kill anything we know of so it is though they eat grass.
May 15th, 2009 at 07:28pm