Prepare for unbearable cuteness. (And a guy who should be a tightrope walker).

This time, the title isn't lying. You should seriously prepare yourself.

So, today, Audrey (my baby sister) laughed for the first time. It made my day so much better. She was laying next to me on the couch, and I was wiggling my glasses up and down like I do when I get really into whatever I'm watching, and apparently she found it really funny, because she just burst out laughing. It was the cutest thing. Her little face lights up and her eyes get all crinkly.

And then later, I was holding her and reading over this rough draft my friend emailed me for a story she's writing, and I turned on the webcam to entertain her, since you can see yourself on the screen, and she started making faces at herself. I wonder if babies understand the concept of a mirror image, or if they just think it's someone else. Anyhow, I took a picture, and I just couldn't resist sharing the cuteness. (:


On a totally different note, I was sitting at my bus stop today, and I saw this man, walking along this railing that borders the sidewalk along the street. It was ridiculously impressive. Not to mention, he was basically dancing as he walked, haha. This one thing really pissed me off though. When he was literally two feet away from finishing, this douchebag driving past honked at him really loud, and he fell off. I lost a little faith in humanity at that point. Here's the picture I managed to get of him without looking creepy.


So yeah, that was my day. Now to lock myself in my house for the weekend to finish the massive amount of work I have to do.

P.S. - I really like using the word douchebag.

P.P.S. - I decided today that I really don't like Adam Lambert. *Cue angry fangirls*
May 16th, 2009 at 04:22am